
AI weather forecast | Transitioning to AI-Driven Operations in Wind Farms

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is making its way into all aspects of life, and its implementation will be steady, not all at once. The industry will take baby steps in incorporating AI to enhance operations.

One aspect of AI will be discussed here is weather forecasting. AI weather forecasting will not only benefit the wind industry but also our daily lives, such as planning travel or excursions, with airline companies being the most beneficial.

Integrating AI-based weather forecasts into SCADA systems to receive severe weather warnings and plan maintenance tasks accordingly will be a significant win. This foresight can benefit operations in many ways, such as planning high wind day jobs (discussed previously in “Unlocking Wind Farm Success”), planning for expected faults (material stock check and resource skills required) for severe weather.

Energy production can be accurately predicted using AI, helping operators optimize maintenance schedules and avoid preventive maintenance during good wind forecasts, ensuring maximum energy output. This alignment of production with AI-forecasted wind data enhances operational efficiency.

The gradual implementation of AI in wind farm operations promises improved efficiency, better maintenance planning, and optimized energy production, marking a significant step forward in the industry’s evolution.